Rising prices, research of appellation wines, private price sticker wines and wines typical of the regions by consumers. This is a context in which price stickers play an important role.
The forecasts of large retailers for wine sales in 2018 say that further growth in wine sales should be seen, especially in the sectors of wines with designation of origin, typical wines of regions with good growth prospects also of wines offered under the brand of large retailers.
- Organic wine remains a niche sector on supermarket shelves. This is the widespread sentiment among wine buyers from large retailers who participated in theprice sticker making.
- The growing interest of the final consumer in the purchasing phase of health food products has made it very important to regulate the information on food that is transferred by price sticker making.
- Experts visited wine stores not to taste, but to evaluate the evolution of the price stickers. But first let’s see how the packaging market behaves. According to the data collected, there is a decrease in wine, excluding the bag-in-box, while despite the higher price, the trend is increasing for bottled wine.
The IRI research for wine tags shows that 0.75 bottles were sold in 2017 with an average price of 4.32 euros per liter with an increase of 2.3% over the previous year. The demand for medium-high range wines is also increasing.
Price sticker that communicates
In this market context the role of the price sticker takes on decisive importance at times on the shelf where the eye, at times, perceives the quality of a cellar.
- We made a thorough investigation focusing on the Price Stickers, rather than on the names, the color and the presentation at the stand, in order to bring the consumer’s eye as close as possible when he is in front of a shelf.
- We also tried to find out which wineries are, and in particular the regions most attentive to the direct message transmitted by the price sticker.
- It is immediately evident that the regions of ‘noble’ wines are traditionally the most static in graphic innovation, while the so-called ‘young regions’ focus a lot on visual attraction (as well as taste, of course).
The overview of images wants to highlight this aspect from which we can easily deduce current trends, a useful reference also for those who study the design of price stickers and for those who print them.
The term “price stickering” refers to all information concerning the content of a particular packaged food, such as, for example, the list of ingredients, the name or the expiry date. The price sticker (but also the mark (CE marking)) makes the consumer aware of the requirements of goods in general by exercising an explanatory action to the advantage of qualitative protection, but also of hygiene and health. The information asymmetry between consumers and producers is therefore reduced through a reorganization of the legislation regarding information offered to the public.
Even the printing technique is taken into consideration by the wineries, contrary to the past years in which they relied on what the trusted printer proposed, or even went far to look for the specialized printer. We observed in our investigation, a strong use of screen printing and special effects, with relief paints, foils, and a lot of attention to black.